FUNNY BONEのトランポリンはドイツ製競技用や国産ラージサイズなので反発力が強く高く跳べます。
10回ジャンプの滞空時間を測定して家族で競うのも楽しいですよ。参考までにFUNNY BONEの最長記録は17.23秒(小6・女子)です。大人や中学生を抜いての記録です。体幹が強くて真っすぐ跳べると滞空時間が伸びます。
Happy new year.
It’s been cold days.
How about a trampoline for digesting the treats you ate a lot during the New Year holidays?
Trampoline is not only fun but also an efficient whole body exercise. Sweat comfortably and boost your immunity so you don’t lose to the flu or corona.
The trampoline is an indoor activity, so it is not affected by the weather.
The trampoline of FUNNY BONE is made in Germany and is a large size made in Japan, so it has a strong repulsive force and can jump high.
It’s fun to measure the flight time of 10 jumps and compete with your family. For reference, the longest record of FUNNY BONE is 17.23 seconds (6th grade, girls). It is a record that surpasses adults and junior high school students. If you have a strong core and can jump straight, the flight time will increase.
The good thing about trampolines is that you can happily train your core, which is necessary for various sports.
Please train your body with a trampoline because it is a cold winter.
We look forward to your visit.